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Meet & Greet The May MVP!

Joey MVP Cover
This puny pup loves to live large!

From Great Danes to geckos, we adore every animal here at Tebo! That’s why we’re honoring a new pet pal every month. Now let’s get to know this month’s Most Valuable Pet!

Joey Bengtson

Pet Parent: Kristi Bengtson (Accounts Payable Specialist)

Alias: Jo Jo

Though Joey’s mom launched her Tebo career only eight weeks ago, her doggy diva has already become a four-legged legend! He might seem small, but this pocket pup packs some serious sass. Joey rules the neighborhood dog park and demands evening gourmet dinners. (His menu ranges from cheese to steak!) Joey’s always eager for a new adventure—you might even get a glimpse of him rolling by in his rad stroller! Now, that’s what I call some souped-up wheels! Way to go, Joey, and keep on ruling the world!

Joey MVP in Stroller
Joey’s got the “wheel” deal!

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