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Sweet Potatoes: Get to Know the Super Tuber!

Sweet Potatoes - The Super Tuber

Sweet Potatoes: Get to Know the Super Tuber!

You can’t beat sweet potatoes—but you can mash them!

Do you want to improve your dental well-being? Then make sweet potatoes your new pal! Not only are sweet potatoes bright orange—they’re so much “more”-range than eye-catching good looks! Sweet potatoes could even lead to stronger teeth. I know, it sounds too good “tuber” true! But sweet potatoes pack a mighty mineral punch, which may strengthen your bones—and your smile. Hungry for more? Then get the scoop on spud science here. So why not root for root vegetables?

But remember, sugar bugs can also chow down on your sweet root veggies. So don’t forget your regular dental care!

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