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The Dancing Dog Dynamo: Meet & Greet Some Fancy Feet!

A Border collie smiles on a yellow background.
One glance, and you’re guaranteed to smile for miles!

Here at Tebo, we’re always looking for chances to smile—and we’ve discovered even more! You may have spied our dental hygiene hero, SuperTebo, moving and grooving at your last checkup, but he’s not the only rad dancer in town . . . Let’s get to know Falco, the dancing dog dynamo!

In this video, you can see Falco prance, leap, and soar across the America’s Got Talent stage. (Plus, he’s got some “paw”-some swagger!) At every turn, this daring dog showcases the “can” in canine!

So give Falco a chance—you’re bound to adore this four-legged legend!

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