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Yum! How This Greek Island Puts the Tree in “Tree”-t!

Mastiha Tree Treats

Yum! How This Greek Island Puts the Tree in “Tree”-t!

Read on to discover a “tree”-markable snack!

Here at Tebo, we’re the pros when it comes to chewing—but we’ve never chewed on a pine tree! For a few Greek villages, however, one piney candy has become a passion. On Chios, farmers grow the rare mastiha tree. Throughout the summer, growers use a special tool to scratch and scour the wood. Precious sap seeps from the grooves, then hardens in the summer sun. Once the farmer has cleaned and dried the sap, the pearly granules may end up in ice cream, gum, candy, or cake. Since the year 330 AD, this super sap has even traveled around the world! Though uncommon in America, the Greek candy has soared to fame in Lebanon, Egypt, and beyond. And there’s more to explore! For more sweet science, chow down on this “tree”-mendous ice cream video!

Hardened Sap as a Snack

Hardened sap ready for your recipe—or your tummy!

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