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Cave of the Hanging Serpents: Welcome to the Haven of Snakes

Sweet Tooth

Cave of the Hanging Serpents: Welcome to the Haven of Snakes

Ready for the real deal? Check out this video to see something you won’t believe!

Do you have a sweet tooth? Well, here at Tebo, we’re no strangers to good food! Nothing beats a warm meal on a gloomy November night. But one awesome animal chooses to end the day with a “swarm” meal—and this cave dweller has room service down to a science!

Let’s get to know Mexico’s yellow-red rat snake. This snake knows a thing or two about hanging around: when it’s time for dinner, this snake will dangle from a cave wall, then— wham! This meager menace can devour a passing bat in mere seconds! It turns out we all love late-night delivery.

Ready to face the Cave of the Hanging Serpents head-on? Then we’ve got the video for you! 


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