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Let The Games Resume!

Tebo Dental

Let The Games Resume!

Specializing in pediatric dentistry, our practices are designed to provide a safe and kid-friendly environment. Unfortunately, During the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic, we were forced to shut down our practices for approximately two months. As a result, our patients not had access to some of the features (video game stations, 4D theatre, Tebo The Tooth Mascot, etc.) that make our practice so unique. And since reopening, we have strictly followed safety guidelines outlined by the CDC and implemented other precautionary measures to ensure the safety of all who visit us.

But now, after a year-long wait, it is finally time to “Let The Games Resume”!

We could not be more excited to safely reintroduce our Xbox gaming stations and other elements that make our practices so unique! We hope your children enjoy the return of gameplay of XBOXES in all our locations, and controllers are sanitized regularly to ensure proper safety! We’re all in this together in our community and the world and will get through it… together! 

About The Author

Picture of 	Brandon Akira
Brandon Akira

VP of Marketing & Business Development / CMO

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Tyler Thebaut

Vice President / COO

Picture of Brandon Akira

Brandon Akira

VP of Marketing & Business Development / CCO

Picture of Alison Stewart

Alison Stewart

Brand Ambassador

Picture of Natalie Coleman

Natalie Coleman

Registered Dental Hygienist

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