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October MVP


October MVP

Whether it’s dogs, cats, horses, or guinea pigs, we love all types of pets here at Tebo! We’re showcasing a team member with their creature companion every month. Now let’s meet this month’s MVP!

Gus Stewart

Alias: Honey Bear

Pet Parent: Alison Stewart (Brand Ambassador at Tebo Dental)

Alison launched her career at Tebo on 9/20, and she’s had tons of fun since day one! You might catch her dancing through our practices as SuperTebo’s new pal and creating content for the company’s blog and Instagram profile.

As for Alison’s adorable pup, Gus: when he’s not lounging around at the local Panera, Gus enjoys chowing down on his fave foods – Greek yogurt, wheat bread, and all things cheesy! He’ll hop in any car he sees, and he loves voyaging down the open road. Plus, he’s even traveled from St. Louis, Missouri, to Georgia! Gus turns six on March 3, but he embraces each new day like a puppy. Then again, the only thing he’s ever caught is a nap.


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Our Content Contributors

Picture of Tyler Thebaut

Tyler Thebaut

Vice President / COO

Picture of Brandon Akira

Brandon Akira

VP of Marketing & Business Development / CCO

Picture of Alison Stewart

Alison Stewart

Brand Ambassador

Picture of Natalie Coleman

Natalie Coleman

Registered Dental Hygienist

About The Author