Think Tank Podcast


Dentistry Redefined | Company Culture | Wellness | Community Service | Podcast | Blog | Social + Dental Consulting | Career + Life Development | Legacy

Why Tebo?


Why Tebo?

Here at Team Tebo, we believe in the magic of a smile— to brighten our day, enhance our mood, and strengthen our hope for the future. That’s why we see every cleaning, exam, and procedure as a chance to turn passion into action! From our big-hearted hygienists to our very own SuperTebo, every team member shares the same heroic goal: leave each and every kid with great teeth— and even greater memories. By creating a warm, welcoming experience today, we encourage super dental hygiene for tomorrow and beyond (no cape required!). Our top-notch team members view Tebo as a “home away from home,”— and we’d love to open our home to you.


About The Author

Our Content Contributors

Picture of Tyler Thebaut

Tyler Thebaut

Vice President / COO

Picture of Brandon Akira

Brandon Akira

VP of Marketing & Business Development / CCO

Picture of Alison Stewart

Alison Stewart

Brand Ambassador

Picture of Natalie Coleman

Natalie Coleman

Registered Dental Hygienist

About The Author